New Delhi. Last Sunday marked the 10th anniversary of a day that stands alone both in history and in the minds of world population. While the survivors and the relatives of those who died, spent their day in deep remembrance, back in Delhi a teenager was disappointed to not have witnessed any action on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
"I am completely shattered. I sat on my couch, glued to the TV for the entire day hoping to see Al Qaeda's latest innovative attack but as fate would have it, there was absolutely no action, " said a dejected looking Dhawal Agarwal, a 16 year old science student."Well, if you ask me, it was a perfect setting. 10th anniversary, Al-Qaeda having recently pledged revenge for Bin Laden's death, a Sunday with nothing to do, Indian cricket team getting gang-raped.. It just doesn't gets better than that, does it? " questioned an innocent Dhawal who has been brought up on a rich diet of sensational journalism and finds it difficult to go through a day without any live coverage of a terrorist attack followed by endless news channels' endless group panel discussions.
It is to be noted that this passion of Dhawal has not gone unnoticed with the Delhi police which has been put on high alert over Dhawal's obscure mania. " As part of our general strategy we keep an eye on all those who follow such news stories/incidents on Wikipedia and Youtube. However, we sprung into action when some of the shopkeepers told us about this boy who keeps asking them about trump cards featuring all the major Al Qaeda stars," revealed the area constable Ram Singh, who raids Dhawal's house every fortnight or alternatively whenever he is free.
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All day long Dhawal was duped by the Indian News channels which showed pointless drivel under the name of Breaking News. |
Dhawal's parents talk about how gratified he looked last week while watching media coverage of Delhi HC blast. "It's difficult to separate him from the TV when reports on any terror attack are being aired. We did try to put on Star Cricket which was then airing the India-England match but the sight of Munaf Patel blasting Kohli for misfielding didn't go down well with Dhawal and he flipped back the channel right-away," said Dhawal's parents who have to sit and watch with their hopeful son all day long, the Breaking News of India's most honest cricketer Mohd Azharuddin's son getting injured in a road accident.
Last reported, Dhawal's parents were able to tranquillize him over Sunday's disappointment sighting Sunday being a non-working day for Al Qaeda.P.S. The write-up is written not with an intention to mock the terrorist attacks or the destruction they bring along. Instead through this article I am trying to bring out the selfish nature of humans who take great pleasure in the tragedy of others until they find themselves at the receiving end. Surely, I have mocked the deplorable quality of Indian media and police which just make matters worse.